Best Solution to Baldness Problem

Best Solution to Baldness Problem

We wanted to share this article with you in order to answer your question about the best solution to the problem of baldness. Some of the well-known methods of hair loss systems are Hair Transplantation, Prosthetic Hair, Wig. First of all, the most important point to know is to reach the right solution for the problem.

What is Hair Transplantation? How is it Applied?

The process of transferring healthy hair follicles to areas where the hair follicle is no longer active or already weakened by using microsurgical method that is called hair transplantation. In hair transplantation, patient's own healthy hair is transferred to the bald area.

If your hair is thick, especially the nape part is very important, if your hair loss area is not very large, the first recommendation to you might be Hair Transplantation. Each system / application has some unique features and criteria. So much so that a person who wants to have a hair transplant should not have the following disorders and the hair in the donor area should be sufficient. So much so that a person who wants to have a hair transplant should not have the following disorders and the hair in the donor area should be sufficient.

Who Cannot Have Hair Transplantation?

- Hair transplantation can not be performed on patients with hepatitis C patients.

- Hair transplantation can not be applied to patients with HIV-Aids disease,

- Hair transplantation can not be performed for those who are undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment (during treatment),

- Hair transplantation can not be performed on those with pseudopelade and lichen planus disease,

- Hair transplantation can not be performed on people whose donor area is not sufficient,

- 4th time hair transplantation can not be applied to those who have had more than 3 unsuccessful hair transplants,

- Likewise, people with serious chronic diseases cannot have hair transplantation.

2. What is Prosthetic Hair? How is it done?

Prosthetic Hair;It is an application that consists of real human hair prepared specifically for the person, and can be done in the desired length and model by examining the bald area of ​​the person and his own hair in detail.

The application is done by fixing the prosthesis unit to the scalp with 100% natural materials, fixative tapes and special solutions specially produced for this work. The person can take it off whenever he wants.

To Whom Prosthetic Hair Is Not Applied?

-Children under 10 years old (accompanied by their parents)

- The area where the prosthetic hair will be made is in severe eczema or epidermal allergy

Apart from this, anyone who wishes can have prosthetic hair. Most importantly, the prosthetic hair can be easily applied to all kinds of hair problems, regardless of the region, whether it is in the size of a coin or whole scalp.

3. What is a Wig? What is the Difference from Prosthetic Hair?

Wig, also known as fake hair, is a hair extension system consisting of one seemingly single piece. The wig actually consists of two parts, the hair part and the net to which the hair will be attached. It is commonly made of synthetic hair. It is produced in standard sizes.

Prosthetic hair is made specifically for the person's hair and pattern.

While the wig is made of synthetic hair, the prosthetic hair is completely made of 100% natural hair.

Due to its infrastructure, wigs can cause sweating and skin problems.


Prosthetic hair has a thin and breathable infrastructure.