Is Prosthetic Hair A Wig?

In this article, you can find answers to the question of is a prosthetic hair a wig, which leaves people with hair loss problem and looking for a solution to this problem in a dilemma.

Note: In our article, when we say prosthetic hair, we are talking specifically about "PERSONAL PROSTHETIC HAIR".

Wig; It can be described as a one-piece clothing item that has been created by people since ancient times by the method of adding hair to their hair, can be put on and taken off when desired, can be produced from synthetic or real hair, and is used without being fixed to the scalp.

The main reason why the wig is used as an item is that it has been seen as an accessory, although it has served different purposes throughout history. So that; In the aristocratic classes, it was used to hide their own hair and to have a more beautiful one, while in the Middle Ages it was used to hide the lice in the hair.

In Ancient Greece, the theater was also used as a disguise, and finally in Ancient Rome it began to be used as a part of ostentatious and beautiful appearance.

Similar to today's usage, France has been the leading name in this field.

When King Louis XIII of France, who lost his hair at a young age, accepted balding as a defect and started to wear wigs, its use became fashionable all over Europe, first in France.

So What is Personalized Prosthetic Hair?

Personalized Prosthetic Hair; As the name suggests, it is specially prepared for the person, by examining the area of ​​the person's hair loss and his own hair in detail, 100% compatible with all the features of the person's own hair (hair thickness, hair color, wavelength, hair growth direction, forehead of the person). It is the general name given to special units that produce prosthetic hair in the desired length, density and model (such as the form of the line, color transitions, if any, black/white transition etc.) and applied to the area where hair loss has been experienced.

Prosthetic hair application is applied by fixing the unit to the scalp with the help of 100% natural materials, fixing bands and special solutions specially produced for this work.

The person can remove the prosthetic hair unit at any time.

The most important difference between the prosthetic hair and the wig is that the prosthetic hair is made by custom design with real human hair and a special infrastructure compatible with the skin.

You may have heard that real human hair is used in wigs lately. The main distinction here is that, due to the production principles we have mentioned above, when compared to wigs, Prosthetic hair has a 100% natural appearance and a much higher rate of real hair release.

One of the most basic elements that will provide you with the comfort of use in prosthetic hair is the use of a high quality, air and water permeable infrastructure, much more sensitive than the wig infrastructure, and 100% compatible with the scalp.

Because! Even prosthetic hairs can cause some differences in the desired natural appearance, mainly due to production, and especially due to the quality standards of the application center.

Useage of Wigs and Prosthetic Hair in 2021;

With the development of science and technology, the use of wigs has decreased over time, and Prosthetic Hair has begun to be used, which is more comfortable and does not harm the skin in terms of health, and cannot be distinguished from its own hair.

A wig is a hair accessory that generally consists of one piece, can sweat due to its structure and prevents the skin from breathing. As we mentioned above, Prosthetic Hair, on the other hand, has gone beyond the perception of accessories by appearing as a permanent solution to hair loss, which we call baldness among the people, and has taken its place as a part of our body. (Just as in other lost limbs, the prosthesis is specially designed for the person and applied in a way that will perform the same function).

You can also take a look at our other articles to see the differences between prosthetic hair and wigs in more detail.

A wig is a hair accessory that generally consists of one piece, can sweat due to its structure and prevents the skin from breathing. As we mentioned above, Prosthetic Hair, on the other hand, has gone beyond the perception of accessories by appearing as a permanent solution to hair loss, which we call baldness among the people, and has taken its place as a part of our body. (Just as in other lost limbs, the prosthesis is specially designed for the person and applied in a way that will perform the same function).

You can also take a look at our other articles to see the differences between prosthetic hair and wigs in more detail.


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