What Do You Know About Your Hair Loss

What Do You Know About Your Hair Loss

Hair loss is a nightmare for people of almost all ages. We call it a nightmare because live and bushy hair is the primary source of motivation in one's social life. It is also the most basic physical indicator that shows that the person is strong and healthy. So what do we know about the causes of hair loss that is so important in our social life? What stages does hair loss go through without experiencing any hair loss and what signals it gives us? Hair loss, which is a problem in every period of human history, is the temporary or permanent loss of hair on the head. There are many types and causes of hair loss, although it does not depend on a single cause. Of course, in order to better understand these types and causes, it is necessary to take a look at what is going on in the structure and life cycle of the hair.

What is Hair?

Hair contains a type of protein called keratin. It takes its hair color from the pigment melanin it contains. The change in the amount of melanin pigment is indicative of color change. It is quite durable compared to its thin structure. It is formed in a lower layer of the top layer of the scalp, transmitted to the skin surface, pierces the upper layer (epidermis) and goes out. Factors causing hair loss, such as the formation of hair, are effective in this layer, in this layer.

Phases of Hairs' Formation

The hair has 3 formation stages that follow each other consecutively and continuously. We call this the life cycle of hair. These 3 phases are as follows, respectively. If we get to know these three phases; Anagen Stage: This phase is the phase where the hair grows. If you do not have any spillage problems, this phase can last 2-6 years without interruption. Catagen Stage: At this stage, hair production stops. The produced hair is separated from the root in small periods and pushed to the upper part of the skin and falls. Telogen Stage: At this stage, he goes to rest and starts to form hair again. At the end of this phase, a new hair is formed, during this period of 2-4 months, the hair quality continues with an increasing hair quality towards the end of the period. The temporary spills that we consider natural are the process of starting the third phase and moving back to the first phase. Let's take a look at the types of hair loss, it is good to know that in order to find a solution in hair loss, it is first necessary to diagnose the cause of the problem. Hair loss is particularly familial in men at 95%, and we call it male pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopesia in the medical terminology). In women, although relatively less, there are many diseases related to goiter, menopause, pregnancy, anemia and thyroid as well as male pattern hair loss. In addition, the diseases themselves can be the main cause of hair loss, as well as hair loss in medicines used to treat these and similar diseases.